Tag Archives: Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper’s 5 worst movies

This past weekend, Hollywood lost a great actor director, and artist, Dennis Hopper at the age of 74 (1936-2010). His memorable and erratic career included an early turn in Rebel Without a Cause, an improbable smash with Easy Rider, classic character role in Blue Velvet, and legendary favorites like  Apocalypse Now  and Hoosiers.

Hopper died Saturday at his home in the Los Angeles beach community of Venice, surrounded by family and friends. In October 2009, it was announced that he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and since then his health had deteriorated till his passing on May 29th.

While mainstream media is celebrating his most successful films, BabbleOn wanted to honor him with his top 5 most infamous roles that spanned his 200+ film/TV appearances and 50+ year career. These may have been lesser known roles but Hopper still managed to add his unique creative vision to them. We’ll miss you Mr Hopper. 

#5 King Koopa from Super Mario Brothers (1993)

#4 Rudolph ‘Red’ Diamond from Boiling Point (1993)

#3 Steve Scott from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (2002 video game)

#2 Howard Payne from Speed (1994)

#1 Deacon from Waterworld (1995)


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